
Buxoro viloyat hokimi vazifasini bajaruvchi Karim Jamalovich Kamalovning...

Buxoro davlat universiteti Bitiruvchilarga yo`llagan tabriklar

Buxoro davlat universiteti Bitiruvchilarga bag`ishlangan she`riy guldasta

Buxoro davlat universiteti Bitiruvchilarga bag`ishlangan onlayn tadbir m...

Buxoro davlat universiteti Bitiruvchi 2020

OR 9 2 Condensation Polymers

OR 9 1 Addition Polymers

OR 8 2 Some More Reactions

OR 8 1 Markovnikov's Rule

OR 7 1 1 Bromine reacts with a cyclic alkene

OR 7 2 Main Organic Reactions 2

OR 7 1 Main Organic Reactions 1

OR 6 3 Esters and Amides

OR 6 2 Carboxylic Acids

OR 6 2 Carboxylic Acids

Or 6 1 Aldehydes and Ketones

Or 6 1 Aldehydes and Ketones

OR 5 4 Amines

OR 5 3 Ethers

OR 5 2 Alcohols

OR 5 1 Haloalkanes

OR 4 1 Isomerism

OR 4 1 Isomerism

OR 3 2 Aromatics

OR 3 1 Alkenes Alkynes

OR 2 2 Big Alkyl Groups

OR 2 1 Alkane Nomenclature

OR 1 1 Organic Introduction

Куйгай Ю Ражабий мусикаси

Каймоки Бухороя хуред

Бухоро Мавригилари

Бухоро Мавригилари

Applying for a job (Ochilov Ulugbek)

Work, Power, and Machines

Universal Gravitation

Torque and Machines


Simple Circuits

Salmon Jump

Refraction of Light

Projectile Motion

Pressure and Work


Mirrors and Lenses


Magnetic Fields

Kinetic and Potential Energy


Jackie Chan

Interference, Doppler Effect, and Intensity

Inclined Planes



Golfer Height Level 2


Fluid Pressure and Flow

Fields, Potential, and Capacitance

Faraday's Law

Conservation of Momentum

Conservation of Heat

Conservation of Energy

Components of Vectors

Combination Circuits

Combination Circuits


Cannon and Egg Catapult Problems Worked

Big Papi

Basic Vectors

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